Free E- Book - Internal Audit Guidance Assessing ISO 9001:2015

The main aim of internal auditing is to evaluate the effectiveness of  organization's quality management system and  organization's total performance. Internal audits indicate compliance with  'planned adjustments', e.g. Quality Management System and its processes are implemented and maintained.

An auditor's role is to measure how good the management system and its processes are functioning by gathering objective evidence of conformance and performance. The auditee will generally be  processes owners; of course they are the experts of these processes and as such will provide an invaluable insight into the mechanics of the processes. 

This guidance document describes the steps you have to take to achieve compliance to ISO 9001:2015.

You can download the document as free in my linkedin post. Please click here.

Related words: Internal Audit  Guidance  Assessing ISO 9001:2015, Internal Audit,  ISO 9001:2015 audit guidance,
